Poultry farmers in Sikkim stop trucks that are bringing in illicit poultry imports

Sikkim’s ban on importing poultry from outside the state was enforced when the Sikkim Poultry Farmers Association stopped cars trying to bring live and dressed chicken into the state. On February 3, under the direction of President Gopal Chettri, the team stopped two cars: one at Sang Khola and the other at Legship Road close to Geyzing. It was discovered that both cars were transporting chicken items that were against the stringent laws of the state.

In order to safeguard the regional poultry business and stop the spread of illnesses, the association and local authorities have been diligent in making sure the prohibition is upheld. While praising the team’s work, Gopal Chettri emphasized the significance of assisting regional poultry farmers and protecting public health. The unlawful poultry and the halted vehicles were turned over to the police for additional examination.

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