Ranveer followed Mukesh Ambani’s advice to the letter

Ranbir Kapoor is now one of the hottest stars in Bollywood. With whom the curiosity about Ram’s character is heightened. Ramayana is coming to Bollywood. He will be seen playing the role of Rath in that film. On the contrary, Jahani Kapoor played the role of Siva.

Ranbir Kapoor has won everyone’s attention since the beginning of Barrier with his good acting. He is also Starkey. But Parnoy made his name as soon as he set foot. Where overnight he firmly established the ground under his feet in Bollywood. One after the other pictures from Varbar. One of Ranbir Kapoor’s characters, which has gone viral at breakneck speed, has repeatedly been in the face of administration. Selenes have to go together with a little failure. Ragir Kapoor never forgets a piece of advice from Mukesh Amani. According to Mukhen big die to him. In that context, Mukesh gave Ranveer an advice about success and failure.

Ranveer said, “I have three goals in life. The first is that I am very much inspired by Ambani, who pretends to do things with humanity. He always tells me. Keep your head down and work. Sew efficiency to your head. Pa. And give no place to baryata in your mind.”

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