Artificial Intelligence or AI is likely to Automate and Simplify Complex tasks ahead very soon

Since after the Artificial intelligence’s (AI) Race began in late 2022, the IT sector has experienced rapid growth and significant advancements and developments. Now, AI can Automate almost all tasks, including entire work processes. According to a recent report from ‘The Information’, OpenAI is developing two unique types of AI that could revolutionize and enhance Complex task Automation.

One type of AI is an agent that uses a user’s device to execute tasks like transferring data between spreadsheets and documents, and even completing expense reports without any human intervention. Another AI agent is designed to perform web-based tasks such as organizing travel itineraries, collecting public data and booking air tickets and various types of other important tasks.

Last year in 2023, The Information reported that OpenAI intended to transform ChatGPT into a highly intelligent personal assistant for work. Although OpenAI has not made an official statement about this advanced AI assistant, the company has been consistently enhancing its models. Earlier this year, OpenAI introduced a newly introduced feature for ChatGPT called ‘GPT Mentions’.

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