Members of Mahila Morcha from BJP Sikkim visited Meghalaya to strengthen Awareness on Central Government Schemes

To promote and strengthen Awareness and to ensure the effective implementation of Central Government schemes, leaders and members from Sikkim Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) Mahila Morcha organized a press conference event in Meghalaya on 30th January. The delegations, consisting of Sikkim’s Mahila Morcha General Secretary Srijana Thapa, Vice President Tara Shubba and Nagaland Mahila Morcha Treasurer Asenla Jamir addressed the media persons and reporters to share their experiences, objectives and mission.

During the press conference, Srijana Thapa highlighted BJP Mahila Morcha’s commitment to understanding and promoting various schemes launched by the BJP government particularly those aimed at uplifting the underprivileged. Having traversed village to village, the leaders interacted with new voters delving into the intricacies of healthcare facilities and educational institutions. They examined the administration of medicines in hospitals and probed into the efficacy of Central Government initiatives including Scholarships for students.

Two representatives from Sikkim dispatched to Meghalaya shared insights gained from their visits to different districts. Their focus included assessing the implementation of central government schemes in the northeastern states, evaluating the impact on self-help groups and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Reports on the ground realities, rather than mere diary entries have been consistently submitted to the Central Government.

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